Uwe W. Geertz, Ph.D.
Professor of Psychology Assistant Clinical Prof. Of Psychiatry F.A.S.C.H., Dist F.A.S.P.E.
"Ms. Dilley is 1musually gifted, creative and versatile in her approach to the tasks entrusted to her. She completes her assignments with reliably with competence, high motivation, and thoroughness.
Having worked as a physician, she draws from a broad range and many years of experience concerning settings and populations,for example neurotics, psychotics, personality disorders, affective disorders, and severe depression. One of her strengths is to come up with a comprehensive solution based 0n a clear visionfor significant details. Her special interests in psychology encompass such diverse fields as family systems theory, mind/body interactions, and hypnosis.
Ms. Dilley has taken every opportunity to educate herself 0n issues of different cultures by extensive traveling to Europe, Asia,Africa, North and South America."