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Praxis Dr. Dilley

Practice for Integrative Medicine and Psychotherapy

Practice for Psychotherapy and Integrative Medicine

My formal education includes an M.D. and Ph.D. in oncology from Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Germany. In 2000 I was awarded a Psy.D. - with distinction - from Carlos Albizu University Miami, USA. I worked at the Courtelis Center, Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center in the specialty area of Psycho-Oncology and was a research fellow at the Behavioral Medicine Research Center of the University of Miami.
In 1999 I developed the preventive health program H.E.A.R.T. – Health Education and Activity Routine Training: A program for the Prevention of Heart Attacks. Later on I completed coursework for Personal and Professional Coaching, training in Positive Psychotherapy, Body-Mind-Medicine, Systemic Family Therapy, Hypnosis, and Guided Imagery.

My professional affiliations include the following memberships:

  • American Psychological Association (APA)
  • Psi Chi, The National Honor Society in Psychology, USA
  • Medical Board of Bavaria, Germany
  • Bavarian Psychological Association
  • American Director of the International Center for Positive Psychotherapy
  • Rotary
Dr. med. Cornelia Dilley, Doctor of Psychology/CAU
Doctor of Medicine
Doctor of Psychology
Tölzerstrasse 25 | 83703 Gmund am Tegernsee
Office: +49 (0)8022 915 30 85
Mobil: +49 (0)172 343 63 99
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